Arduino Basic Project 3
Welcome to the Technical Praveen, In this article, we will figure out how to make a few rudiments venture with arduino at home. in the event that you wanna figure out how to make it deliberately read the full article. this is the most fascinating and famous venture these days in gadgets and designing, a large number of the understudies from school constantly making this marvelous task. instructions to make circuit chart and how to compose the code.
Before you can begin working with Arduino, you need to ensure you have the IDE programming introduced on your PC. This program permits you to compose, see and transfer the code to your Arduino Uno board. You can download the IDE for nothing through my site.
When the IDE is introduced, you should associate your Arduino to your PC. To do this, plug one finish of the USB link to the Arduino Uno and afterward the opposite finish of the USB to your PC's USB port.
Select The Board
When the board is connected, you should open the IDE and snap on Tools > Board > Arduino Uno to choose the board.
Select Serial Port
Next, you need to tell the Arduino which port you are utilizing on your PC. To choose the port, go to Instruments > Port and afterward select the port that says Arduino.
7) Bar Graph
Utilizing a potentiometer, you can control a progression of LEDs in succession. Turning the potentiometer knob will turn on or off a greater amount of the LEDs.
Parts Needed
- (1) Arduino Uno
- (1) USB A-to-B Cable
- (1) Breadboard – Half Size
- (1) Potentiometer – Rotary
- (10) LED 5mm
- (10) 220 Ω Resistor
- (11) Jumper Wires
Project Diagram
Project Code
const int analogPin = A0; // the pin that the potentiometer is attached to
const int ledCount = 10; // the number of LEDs in the bar graph
int ledPins[] = {
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
}; // an array of pin numbers to which LEDs are attached
void setup() {
// loop over the pin array and set them all to output:
for (int thisLed = 0; thisLed < ledCount; thisLed++) {
pinMode(ledPins[thisLed], OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// read the potentiometer:
int sensorReading = analogRead(analogPin);
// map the result to a range from 0 to the number of LEDs:
int ledLevel = map(sensorReading, 0, 1023, 0, ledCount);
// loop over the LED array:
for (int thisLed = 0; thisLed < ledCount; thisLed++) {
// if the array element's index is less than ledLevel,
// turn the pin for this element on:
if (thisLed < ledLevel) {
digitalWrite(ledPins[thisLed], HIGH);
// turn off all pins higher than the ledLevel:
else {
digitalWrite(ledPins[thisLed], LOW);
8) Multiple LEDs
This project will use 8 pins on the Arduino board to blink 8 LEDs at the same time.
Parts Needed
- (1) Arduino Uno
- (1) USB A-to-B Cable
- (1) Breadboard – Half Size
- (8) LED 5mm
- (8) 330 Ω Resistor
- (9) Jumper Wires
Project Diagram
Project Code
int ledPins[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; // Defines an array to store the pin numbers of the 8 LEDs.
// An array is like a list variable that can store multiple numbers.
// Arrays are referenced or "indexed" with a number in the brackets [ ]. See the examples in
// the pinMode() functions below.
void setup()
// setup all 8 pins as OUTPUT - notice that the list is "indexed" with a base of 0.
pinMode(ledPins[0],OUTPUT); // ledPins[0] = 2
pinMode(ledPins[1],OUTPUT); // ledPins[1] = 3
pinMode(ledPins[2],OUTPUT); // ledPins[2] = 4
pinMode(ledPins[3],OUTPUT); // ledPins[3] = 5
pinMode(ledPins[4],OUTPUT); // ledPins[4] = 6
pinMode(ledPins[5],OUTPUT); // ledPins[5] = 7
pinMode(ledPins[6],OUTPUT); // ledPins[6] = 8
pinMode(ledPins[7],OUTPUT); // ledPins[7] = 9
void loop()
// This loop() calls functions that we've written further below.
// We've disabled some of these by commenting them out (putting
// "//" in front of them). To try different LED displays, remove
// the "//" in front of the ones you'd like to run, and add "//"
// in front of those you don't to comment out (and disable) those
// lines.
oneAfterAnother(); // Light up all the LEDs in turn
//oneOnAtATime(); // Turn on one LED at a time
//pingPong(); // Same as oneOnAtATime() but change direction once LED reaches edge
//marquee(); // Chase lights like you see on theater signs
//randomLED(); // Blink LEDs randomly
* oneAfterAnother()
* This function turns all the LEDs on, pauses, and then turns all
* the LEDS off. The function takes advantage of for() loops and
* the array to do this with minimal typing.
void oneAfterAnother()
int index;
int delayTime = 100; // milliseconds to pause between LEDs
// make this smaller for faster switching
// Turn all the LEDs on:
for(index = 0; index <= 7; index = ++index) // step through index from 0 to 7
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], HIGH);
// Turn all the LEDs off:
for(index = 7; index >= 0; index = --index) // step through index from 7 to 0
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], LOW);
* oneOnAtATime()
* This function will step through the LEDs, lighting only one at
* a time. It turns each LED ON and then OFF before going to the
* next LED.
void oneOnAtATime()
int index;
int delayTime = 100; // milliseconds to pause between LEDs
// make this smaller for faster switching
for(index = 0; index <= 7; index = ++index) // step through the LEDs, from 0 to 7
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], HIGH); // turn LED on
delay(delayTime); // pause to slow down
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], LOW); // turn LED off
* pingPong()
* This function will step through the LEDs, lighting one at at
* time in both directions. There is no delay between the LED off
* and turning on the next LED. This creates a smooth pattern for
* the LED pattern.
void pingPong()
int index;
int delayTime = 100; // milliseconds to pause between LEDs
for(index = 0; index <= 7; index = ++index) // step through the LEDs, from 0 to 7
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], HIGH); // turn LED on
delay(delayTime); // pause to slow down
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], LOW); // turn LED off
for(index = 7; index >= 0; index = --index) // step through the LEDs, from 7 to 0
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], HIGH); // turn LED on
delay(delayTime); // pause to slow down
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], LOW); // turn LED off
* marquee()
* This function will mimic "chase lights" like those around
* theater signs.
void marquee()
int index;
int delayTime = 200; // milliseconds to pause between LEDs
// Step through the first four LEDs
// (We'll light up one in the lower 4 and one in the upper 4)
for(index = 0; index <= 3; index++) // Step from 0 to 3
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], HIGH); // Turn a LED on
digitalWrite(ledPins[index+4], HIGH); // Skip four, and turn that LED on
delay(delayTime); // Pause to slow down the sequence
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], LOW); // Turn the LED off
digitalWrite(ledPins[index+4], LOW); // Skip four, and turn that LED off
* randomLED()
* This function will turn on random LEDs. Can you modify it so it
* also lights them for random times?
void randomLED()
int index;
int delayTime;
index = random(8); // pick a random number between 0 and 7
delayTime = 100;
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], HIGH); // turn LED on
delay(delayTime); // pause to slow down
digitalWrite(ledPins[index], LOW); // turn LED off
If you have any doubts, Please let me know